Elder Turk

Elder Turk

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30th 2010

My Mom received this message from Kelby's mission president.

Dear Sister Turk,
Thank you for raising such a wonderful young man..  Last night we had our first night of street contacting.  Elder Turk was great.  He quickly learned that he can be a bold missionary.  Without hesitation he talked with everyone he could to share the message of the gospel.  He will be a great blessing to the people of Taiwan.
President Bishop
We haven't heard a whole lot from Taiwan yet, but we know Kelby has had a part in two baptisms so far and another one scheduled for this week : ) he is very excited to be there.


  1. I know Kelby will do great things!
    Praying for all of you!

  2. YEAH KELBY you are finally doing there and doing amazing things already...
